
Monday, October 11, 2010

Sorority Life

I got addicted to this game and honestly, I still am. As I always say, "All is fun if it comes in PINK." So as SL in Facebook. I find it fun because there are lotsa pink on it. So how do you play this game?

1. You have to run the application from Facebook. It was called Sorority so you will need lotsa friends to advance through levels.

2. You can change your style and choose your hair, accessories, shoes and of course clothing. LOVE IT!!!

3. You will need to Socialize to earn money and experience to level up.

4. Once you have earned enough, what are you gonna do with all the money?? SHOP! SHOP! SHOP! Yes, let's go shopping!!

5. Since you love shopping, you will need a job to support your lifestyle. Choose from being a Dog Walker to a Best Selling Author - which I am right now. You will need to pay for the training.

6. Catfights. Challenge a member of other houses to a "fight" and earn money, be sure you have the guts and right level to take her down. You will use up your stamina points to fight.

7. Walk-offs. You can challenge a sister and see who's more dashing and fashionable when it comes to style. You will need help from your sisters to vote for you.

I am currently at Level 148 with 589 House Members. I am a member of Alpha Beta Elite. It just gets exciting everyday. Oh, before I forget, you may choose a boyfriend and make sure to pamper him everyday or your sisters will steal him from you. UGH! So, if you can't spend quality time with your boyfriend, be prepared to be brokenhearted.

BTW, I get SL stuff and freebies from Freestyle Designs. You will find this site very useful if you're gonna be really into it.. Believe me!!

You will know you're addicted to it when you have a shift in 6 hours and you haven't slept yet because you're still playing. HAHAHAHA!!



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