
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Passion for Music

It has always been my dream to have my own guitar. I used to borrow my cousin's turtle-back guitar to learn how to play. I first learned playing a guitar when I was a 2nd year college student? Wait let me try to recall.. Haha! Yeah, I think it was my sophomore days in college when I asked one of my cousins to teach me. She was sooo good in playing that I got inspired and wanted to be an expert like her. She taught me the basics and how to read guitar chords. During my me-time, I play on my own using a lyrics magazine we call "Song Hits". All song hits have a chord chart that serves as a guide for beginners.

I love listening to guitar music but most of all I love playing. Day by day, I taught myself how to master playing without glancing at the chords chart. It wasn't long enough when I noticed that most songs use the same chord patterns. The very first song I learned to play was Leaving on a Jet Plane. It uses like 4 chords only I think. All I had to do is just go with the song and create my own strumming pattern. I learned fast and just like preparing for a presentation I did practice, practice and practice. Patience is indeed a virtue.

I'm still not an expert like my cousin but I do know how to play. I can use my guitar all the time and just enjoy playing as if I am a member of a band or something. I don't use song hits anymore since the internet provides us a lot more songs with tabs and chords that I can use. It is very relaxing and rewarding to have such skill. I am proud of it. On top of that, you do know why I love this guitar right? Of course, it's PINK! It's me!

"Will try to get pink in everything."

Special thanks to Loren Flores for teaching me how to play and Jasper Flores for lending me your guitar. I miss you both! :)


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